FKT: David Hedges - Boulder Crest Traverse (ID) - 2020-08-09

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7h 40m 26s

Left from the highway at 12:40 on this second Sunday in August. For some reason I had remembered that it was 4.5miles up the FS road, instead of 3.5, before heading up the skree field to the first summit. Instead of backtracking, I cut up, thinking id make a diagonal line and meet up with Linnet's. This plan put me on a headwall whose fifth class terrain I carefully ascended. The detour probably added 30-60min, a half mile, and several hundred feet of climbing. Oh well, the technicality of the remaining climbs seemed hardly challenging after that, and I still put 1:40 on the previous record. Had to empty my shoes a bunch of times. Very awesome route. I rode my bicycle back to my car from Galena Lodge in the remaining daylight.