FKT: DJ Fox - Colorado Trail (CO) - 2024-08-31

Route variation
West to East, Collegiate East
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7d 4h 37m 22s

I started from the Junction Creek Tailhead at 8:11am on August 24th, 2024. Austin Loeffel and I did the first section together to Kennebec where Meg Hoffman jumped in to pace to Hotel Draw. We got our first bit of rain crossing over Indian Ridge. Meredith Edwards and I did the next section through rain and fog up and over Bolam Pass where Ross Hill joined us. The three of us then made our way to Little Molas Lake, dealing with small amounts of rain along the way. Ja Shua Ried then hopped in for a long section from Little Molas all the way to Spring Creek Pass. We dealt with some pretty nasty storms along this entire section that had us moving a bit faster than I would have liked to, but we needed to get to some lower ground as this part of the trail is very high and exposed. We ended up waiting around 30 minutes in a crew member's truck at Carson Saddle to wait for one of the most epic lightning storm I had ever seen to pass before moving up to the course high point. I had my first sleep at Spring Creek Pass before Austin and I took off a few hours before light to make our way to Eddiesville. We had tons of cloud cover, but finally no real rain. The sun finally came out for the first time at around hour 40 as we made the decent from San Luis Pass into Eddiesville. Mere and I then covered the next section of much welcomed flatter terrain to CO Highway 114. We had a small navigation issue on this section that added a couple miles as it is not marked very well. I would be sure to bring pre loaded maps along for this to help stay on track. Ried jumped back in for another long section of pacing. We made our way up to Sargents Mesa where I slept again for the second time. This was my most challenging section yet as I was getting extremely tired and the technical terrain was extra taxing. I stumbled and kicked rock after rock after rock on my way to the top. After awaking at Sargents, Ried and I finished my most mentally and, in some ways, physically challenging part of the entire trail. I say that because between Stony and US Highway 50, I began to have some pretty severe achilles pain and eventual anterior ankle pain which led to major swelling, slowing of pace, and mental obstacles. At Highway 50 the starting pacers were finally able to get a substantial amount of rest as two friends from Salida, CO took over pacing duties for the Easter Collegiate section. Justin Walker went with me from 50 to South Cottonwood TH where Dolan Potts swapped in and paced to Clear Creek Road. The main pacing crew was now back on the clock as Austin and I worked our way from Clear Creek to Mount Massive TH where I was able to sleep for a couple of hours again. This was the most challenging morning of the entire effort. My body hurt, I was tired, and truly felt there was no hope to complete what we set out to do. My crew team gave me a much needed inspiring pep-talk and got me out back on the trail with the mission at the front of my mind. From here, Shane Terry was able to take over for the next 2 sections, Mt. Massive to Tennessee Pass, extending the reprieve for a couple of key pacers that had been with us the entire way so far. This is where Mere jumped back in to pace me up and over Kokomo Pass. We were able to view one of the most epic sunsets from the top as we made our way down into Copper Mountain. Marshall Thompson was able to meet us here for as an emergency pacer as the planned one wasn't gong to make it at the last minute. Beyond grateful for him to drive multiple hours into the night to be a part of our team in a time of need. At Gold Hill, Josh jumped back in to pace me to Kenosha Pass. It was during this section that we truly embraced the word "pacing". He lead the entire way, pushing me the whole time. We began to run more than I had at any other portion of the trail. We pushed on the flats and downhills, and even jogging some of the slight inclines. This helped the confidence in myself grow so much. I don't know if I would have known it was possible to do what I did from Gold Hill to the finish without having Josh there for these sections. Austin jumped back in at Kenosha Pass. I was reminded that this was the section that I decided to stop during last year's attempt. It was a pretty emotional moment moving through the exact spot on the trail where I was so broken nearly 1 year prior. The crew then hiked in about a quarter mile to make another pacer change and provided aid at Long Gulch. I ran with 3 pacers this section, Mere, Shane, and new comer Brian Sakansky. This was another challenging section, but the energy of everyone helped to get me through. It was the start of the final night, and one that I knew I wouldn't be able to stop and sleep for. We had to go right through to the end if we wanted to beat the overall West to East FKT, and we did. Josh jumped back in as the final pacer to take me from Rolling Creek to the finish. Sakansky stayed with us until Little Scraggy. I knew these final 2 sections had massive amounts of downhill, and that if I just kept some running legs under me that we would be able to make up some serious time. When we finally hit the dirt road in Waterton Canyon we had a little over 6 miles left to finish. The sun was raging, and there was no shade cover for the entire section. Around 3 miles from the finish crew members and pacers started showing up to run with me. The splashed me with water and gave me the energy to finish strong all the way to the sign at the Waterton Canyon TH.