FKT: Dylan Doblar - Mt Langley (CA) - 2024-07-16

Route variation
car-to-car (any route)
Gender category
Finish date
Total time
3h 14m 35s

third time’s a charm!  i’d bailed on tagging the summit of langley the last couple times i went over old army pass at the end of long days (once because weather and once because tired), so it was nice to finally see the summit.  there was a noticeable amount of smoke in the air when i started, but it seemed to clear up (or i got used to it) within the first couple miles.  i tagged the summit in 1:57:06, which was just under my arbitrary goal of 2 hours.  the sand slog for the last mile and a half was even slower going than i was expecting — i think this part could be done a decent bit more efficiently with better micro-routefinding, staying mostly on rock.  i knew that sub 3 was probably not in the cards given how my legs were feeling, so i cruised most of the descent.  finished in 3:14:35, pretty happy with the effort.  i think there’s definitely a decent bit of time that can be shaved off by someone who’s a stronger climber than me and really hucks the downs.  i’m curious if the more direct scrambly route would be faster — i considered going this way but it seemed higher variance on an onsight go.  such a fun morning in the mountains!