FKT: Dylan Flewelling - Fairyland Loop, Bryce Canyon NP (UT) - 2024-07-02

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
55m 54s

I had a day at Bryce and was going to run this loop from Ruby’s campground, where we were staying, unknowing that this was a route already. We had been listening to the FKT Podcast on our way here from Flagstaff, and I figured I’d give it a look to see if there were any routes in the canyon. I was surprised when I saw the Fairyland loop and figured I had to do it. Instead of running from the campground like I had originally planned, I drove to the trailhead. I did the loop counter-clockwise, running the rim first before dropping into the amphitheater. I didn’t feel great, but was making good time on the record until the last 1.5 miles, where I was struggling on the climb. Thankfully I had banked enough time in the first few miles to still break the record by about 70 seconds. I started and ended my watch with my hand on the sign by the parking area, signifying a complete loop.