FKT: Emma Thompson, Corey Thompson - Mountain-Bay Trail (WI) - 2024-06-09

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
22h 49m 12s
GPS track(s)

We started our FKT in Howard WI around 5:15am on Sat, June 8. We created a 9 segment route. The initial aid stations were gas stations, and the last 4 aid stations were our friend and family. The best things we saw along the way were a horse & buggy, deer and snapping turtles, and starlink in the night sky. The only downfalls were mosquitos, some mid day heat, a couple of downpours of rain, and sore pinkie toes. 

We are hoping to do this again next year to beat our time from 2024.