FKT: Erin Ton - Pico de Orizaba (Mexico) - 2024-02-21

Route variation
up & down from Miguel Hidalgo
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 2m 34s

I started out strong, getting to the base of the Jamapa glacier in 2:15. At 2:45, I was nearing the top of the glacier when I encountered a few hundred feet of pure ice. My pace slowed significantly. I was slightly disappointed on the run down, knowing that my time would not be representative of what I am capable of. However, I am content with how I did given the conditions that I was dealt.

I had a great 2 weeks acclimating and scouting in Mexico. I am looking forward to returning when there are better conditions! Pico is a challenging mountain, not necessarily because of the technicality or even altitude, but because of all the layers to it throughout the 7,000ft climb. You have to fit all the puzzle pieces together for race day.