FKT: Estelle Richardson - Magnolia Road RT - 2024-09-15

Route variation
Starting from West
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 43m 50s
GPS track(s)

I started Magnolia road from Nederland around 8am September 15 on a sunny fall morning in the 50s Fahrenheit. I clicked off the first half of the route to Boulder in 49 minutes, then turned around and returned in under 54 minutes. I had a pacer running with me for the entire 15 miles, a friend providing bottle support and gels about every 5k along the road, plus a couple other friends cheering and taking photos. The final hills in the last 5k of the route coming back west proved the most challenging of the run especially as the weather had warmed, but I was still able to get turnover on the downhills.