FKT: Etienne Berends - Walk of Wisdom (Netherlands) - 2021-05-22

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
15h 49m 12s
GPS track(s)

My first 100+ km ultra. In one word: Wow! What an amazing experience, with al it's ups and downs.

The first stage (solo) (0 - 39 km) (I had a support crew at a three points) went reasonably easy, according to the plan. Slow pace, saving my strength on the uphills and simply enjoying myself.

The second stage (paced) (39 - 71 km) was still sort of okay. Couple of minor lows, especially the hills went feeling particularly great. That's what lack of proper vertical training brought me. A serious learning for a next adventure, even in the Netherlands. After about 65 km, my stomach decided not to accept the food I brought anymore. I could keep it in, but wat really uncomfortable. I have  At the next support point, I choose to take more time and ate salty snacks and had some soup. This seemed to do the trick, because the stomach ache disappeared as quickly as it came.

The third stage (solo) (71 - 105 km) was quite difficult, mainly mentally. It's a rather dull part of the course, lot's of paved roads. Adding a continuous headwind (4bft) and continuous rain into the equation. Somehow, I managed to continue running and after 103 km I felt the first real sun ray of the day, literally lightning my spirit. I could finally start to dry up al little.

The fourth and last stage (105 - 136) my wife paced me. Everything went quite well, until the last 11 km. My quads were really sore. Thanks to my pacing wife, I was able to keep some sort of consistent pace. With just 5 km left, I really had to start walking some parts. Especially when the course ever so slightly went upwards. After crossing the river, the last stairs down from the bridge, I managed to run the final km.