FKT: Gian Dalle - The Brothers (WA) - 2024-09-24

Route variation
Standard Up and Down
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 48m 23s

My buddy Wes couldn’t mountain bike today so I decided to go for a jog before the season is over. Gave myself a D- for navigation on that one. Spent a lot of time in the bushes and ascended the wrong ridge at one point, should have brought some sort of map. Also it was super HOT for fall (watch said 90??). Ran without a shirt and my bag rubbed the skin of my spinous processes, don’t know how the cool guys and sports bra girls do it. Back to wearing shirts in the pool for me. 

If you do this definitely don’t follow my track unless you like bushes, pointless ascending/descending, and down climbing over exposure! I also think it would probably be a lot faster on some firm spring snow. Enjoy!