FKT: Harmony Fisher - Snowbank Lake Loops (MN) - 2024-05-11

Route variation
Snowbank only
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 18m 29s
GPS track(s)

Went counter-clockwise around the lake. The first couple miles were great, but things got much slower and much more challenging from Disappointment Lake onward. It was impossible to break into a good running pace due to terrain difficulties: very rocky conditions, dam crossings, downed trees, etc. Trail was mostly easy to follow throughout. I had the map downloaded on AllTrails, but I did not need to reference it too often, as there aren't a whole lot of intersections. However, I did add a small bit of extra mileage (slightly less than a mile) to the route due to a few confusions with campsite turnoffs and portage trails, but every single time I left the main loop, I came back to it exactly where I left off and began running again. 

Mid-May was a great time to do it, since the brush largely hadn't grown in yet. With the lack of snowfall this past winter, the streams were relatively low and I didn't have to deal with excessive mud. 

Overall a pretty tough run, but fun in retrospect. If you're planning to do this loop, just come excited for the backcountry conditions. It's very technical and the views are great, especially toward the middle in the most challenging section, where you're scrambling up the rocky outcrops.