FKT: Jackson Brill, Sam Lewis, Caleb Seely - Steens Mountain Crossing (OR) - 2024-07-10

Route variation
Standard point-to-point
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 20m 16s
GPS track(s)

Uneventful ~90min run up Big Indian, then we made great time up the headwall to the Loop Road (~50min) and the ~3miles up the road to the summit (~3hrs cumulative). Fun drop down into Wildhorse Cyn via a scree-y ridge, and then the awful ~90min schwack down the canyon with a generous helping of stinging nettle. Climb out of the canyon wasn’t bad, but I didn’t take us on a particularly quick or efficient line. The last ~5mi back down to the Alvord on the jeep road drained the life out of me in the 105deg heat, descending deeper into the furnace. 

Air Force Jets flew over us at >Mach1; that was cool. Post-adventure milkshakes and sandwiches in Fields should be a mandatory part of the FKT.