FKT: Jalna Clair - Brisbane Valley Rail Trail (QLD, Australia) - 2021-04-03

Route variation
Point to Point
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
19h 55m 24s
GPS track(s)

When the wind changes direction, you just have to adjust your sails.

Having a backyard Ultra cancelled that I had been training so hard for cancelled due to covid was a pretty big blow.

Some mates suggested we give the FKT of the BVRT unsupported a crack. When they say "we" they meant me. 

I had 3 days to plan, look at the maps, sort gear and calculate nutrition.

Carrying all this nutrition, change of clothes, first aid kit (yeah, we have snakes), headlamps, powerbank, phone etc - and all my water was bloody tough.

Finding water sources was also tough. I ended up having to do 36km on 3ltr and ran out 5km out of a town.  It got to the point where the country dam that the cows were drinking out of looked pretty tempting.....  This resulted in me chugging water down way too quickly and spending a good 5 mins crouched on all fours throwing my ass up in front of an elderly man and his dog.

I also spent a good 10 mins lying on park bench talking to myself, trying to work out the best mathematical equation to make 22km more palatable.

But it wasn't all bad. There's nothing quite as beautiful as running through the country in the dark, solo and watching the sun rise over the fields.

Dancing and singing as loud as you want, knowing that for this short, yet beautiful moment in time - you have the world all to yourself.