FKT: Jason Hardrath - Summit Trail (South Warner Wilderness, CA) - 2020-11-01

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 34m 32s

Gave this a one-way run before the weather turned. It had been in my notebook for almost two years. Thanks to Aria Zoner for making it an FKT route.

Ashly ran it N-S and I ran it S-N, in retrospect, I think I would run it the other way if I attempt again.

Body was tired from doing the Lassen Duathlon FKT the day before, I will have to come out on fresher legs someday and give this a real blast.

Blew up my UD adventure vest on this run, both back attachments failed. UD has yet to get back to me about repair :( 

Ran in some Hokas!

Enjoyed Athletic Brewing at the finish...maybe two...then immediately drove to go pick up ashly at the other end #nonalcoholicbeer