FKT: Jeffrey Zuber - Maitland Trail (ON, Canada) - 2020-03-15

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
11h 0m 29s

I drove to the Eastern terminus the morning of March 15, parked my car, and started hiking just after 9:00 am EST. I carried 4 liters of water, enough snacks for the day, a small first aid kit, my maps and phone, and some extra layers in case things got a little cold. In total I was on trail for just over 11 hours, with a moving time of 8.5 hours, maintaining an average speed of 6.4 km/h. I arrived at the Western Terminus, at Lake Huron, just after 8:00 pm as the sun was setting. I struggled to find the actual terminus, as a I believe a construction fence was surrounding it. I searched for it for a good 10 minutes, but with the sun setting, and my ride home waiting on me, I settled for touching the waters of Lake Huron, as it would be impossible to walk any further anyway. My sister graciously volunteered to pick me up at the beach, and drive me back to where I had parked my car at the beginning of the day. Overall the trail was a good challenge, although I think I could shave a decent bit of time off still.