FKT: Jennifer Allen - Sleeping Bear Dune Climb (MI) - 2023-12-24

Route variation
Standard route (10 laps)
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 11m 46s
GPS track(s)

The Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive was closed for the winter but I wanted to go from the top anyways since that's how I've always gotten there.  I jogged about a mile and half from the gate by the scenic drive entrance to the top where the warning sign is.  I knew barefoot might not feel the best but I also wanted to do it that way anyways.  Defintely a little rough on the barefeet but manageble enough, probably could have cruised even more on the downhill if my feet had a little protection.  There wasn't a female time to beat so I induldged a bit by taking quick breaks at the top for snacking and soaking my feet in Lake Michigan at the bottom (defintely not the 20 plus minutes strava thought i was stopped for though).  Also its one of my favorite places so it was a hard thing to try to rush in general.  It was pretty cloudy when I started but the sun came out by the end.  Unseasonably warm and no snow.  Probably not always so pleasant to attempt in December.  There was a steep wall of sand about 6-8 feet tall at the bottom of the direct route before getting to the Lake.  No one had cut down through it since it formed and it took 6 or so times sliding down through the sand cliff before it was blown out enough that I could climb back up it.  Until then I had to cut over a little ways to get around the cliff and then cut back to the direct route which is why the track looks a little funny at the bottom.  Thanks Buzz for giving me an excuse to come back!  This was always one of my favorite places to come to when I was in high school, lots of memories here and it is a truly stunning place.