FKT: John Hammond - Forth and Clyde Canal Towpath (United Kingdom) - 2021-08-10

Route variation
Standard point-to-point
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 56m 27s

Static support from Malcolm Hammond

Dry and calm conditions but fairly warm at start and hot towards the end of the run. Canal towpath relatively busy in the urban areas but quieter for the rural sections.

Passed the half way point in 01:52:30 and the marathon distance in 02:54:30. Stomach cramp forced a slowing of pace at the 44km mark. Taking on liquid at 49km support point settled my stomach but was unable to get back into the flow to run 4.00/km so took approximately 23 minutes to cover the last 5km. Without the cramping I would have been hoping to run an even pace throughout aiming for as close as possible to 03:45:00 for the whole route. One to revisit on a cooler and quiter day!