FKT: John Shep - Uxbridge Rail Trail + Beaver River Wetland Trail (ON, Canada) - 2021-04-23

Route variation
out & back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 51m 0s
GPS track(s)

Only during a Canadian spring can you start a run with snow on the ground and end it with a sunburn!


Peaceful, flat and scenic, this was a chance to turn my brain off and enjoy the scenery.  Little traffic, no animals (this time!) and a calm wind made this my most enjoyable outing on this trail ever.  I also appreciated the very obvious turn around point - Google Maps made it seem like the GPS file on the route was a little short, but as you can see in the pictures, the route ends in Woodville with a fence and cement barricade (image 20210423_105230).

As for me, I was on pace to have my best ultra run ever (extrapolating this out, I would have PB'd my 50 mile time by about an hour).  I cannot complain with how it went.  Stomach held up really well with the food that I carried (steady supply of Tailwind, oreos, dates and Hammer gels).  Would have preferred a little more water by the end (I had a 2L bladder and 2 14oz bottles), but wanted to keep it "unsupported."  If you were to want to refill on water and didn't have a water filtration system (there are a number of lakes and the obvious "Beaver River," but the extent of my outdoors-personness is limited to trail running), there is an ESSO gas station on Esso, Centre Street, Sunderland, Brock, that would also provide food refills.