FKT: Jonny Wolf - Sawback Trail - 2024-07-28

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
9h 56m 40s
GPS track(s)

Tess (my partner) dropped me off at Lake Louise trail head and I starting just after 6:30am.

I took a wrong turn after 3km because I was following my feet so had to double back to where I went wrong and continued on.

I run totally unsupported, carrying all my nutrition and water with me and refilling along the way with the Salomon filter in creeks and streams along the root.

I added a few side adventures up to Luellen Lake and Mystic Lake (following the previous FKT) and it was so worth it. 

Felt like I was crawling to the finish, feet battered from rocks and roots but delighted to make it in 9hours 56mins and 40secs