FKT: Josh Sanders - Black Mountain Crest Trail (NC) - 2019-04-13

Route variation
Gender category
Finish date
Total time
2h 48m 7s

Possibly the gutsiest run of my life.

2:48:07 - Black Mountain Crest Trail Ascent FKT. Broke the speed record by 3 seconds. THREE SECONDS!!! Was 9 minutes behind Alex’s unreal time for climbing the first 3,000’ in 3.8 miles. Never gave up. Just kept fighting, just kept saying “give yourself a chance”. I fought with all I had. Both legs were cramping as I tried to sprint up the final pitch of the observation deck. It was everything I had. 3 seconds. Fight like hell and never give up. Mad respect for Alex. Truly the gnarliest trail in the east.

(Josh also set the out & back FKT.)