FKT: Josh Sanders - Thames Down Link (UK) - 2019-10-13

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Finish date
Total time
2h 5m 41s

This is my 12th FKT breaking an existing FKT this year (no only known times). One of my three major goals this year was double the previous record for broken FKt's in a year (Anton, 2012 and Nephew, 2014) who both had 6. Got my goal today and I'm fired up. My boy Jason Hardrath is up to 6 broken FKT's this year too, so one more and he'll be 2nd all-time on the list.

This FKT was whirwind of crazy. Landed in England at 11;30am on Saturday, went drinking with the UK 5K gang, saw Hamilton, bed by midnight, got up at 5:30am and got an Uber to the start line at Boxhill. Forgot watch, so had to record with Strava on my phone. The hills of Surry? Awesome. The route finding? Thank God for the Google GPS files on the official site (posted by previous FKT holders). The mud? GOOD GRIEF! It was nuts. It was slippery English mud this American is not used to. It was thick and deep and everywhere. Didn't have time for gels, so ate a Snickers in the Uber with a can of Pepsi. Fueled with a chocolate bar that basically just stuck to the roof my mouth the whole run. It was pretty epic. Tomorrow we're running a 5k in all the 5 nations of the United Kingdom (yes, I know that Ireland isn't actually in the UK and Northern Ireland isn't actually an independent country but I like numerical alliteration... so the UK 5k... five 5k's in 5 countries in one day. I assume half the group will get drunk on the ferry ride to Ireland. Should be epic.