FKT: Josh Wyse, Tim Kojetin, Rick Hoberg, Andrew Bainbridge - Golden - Mt Evans (CO) - 2020-06-19

Route variation
ascent from Chimney Gulch
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
17h 1m 54s

This specific Strava activity includes a few bonus miles at the beginning and end of the proper Golden - Mt Evans route, as I've always wanted to run up to Mt Evans from my front door in Denver.  Additionally, since the Mt Evans road is closed this year due to COVID, we had to run down to Echo Lake after we summited to get a ride back home.


From Strava: My house (Denver) to the top of Mt Evans, all by foot. Started scheming about this one ~4 years ago, and super proud to get it done. Pretty blown away at how difficult it ended up being. I was thinking a 20hr day, worst case, and we were not too far off from closing in on night 2. The night start made Beaver Brook super slow, stopping to filter water is always pretty slow in a group, and the uphill course w snow above ~12,000ft was slow going and super demoralizing when you’re 50+ miles in. Getting back to Echo Lake w road closed was hard work. Original route always planned on a summit pickup but not this year. Super fun to see and run w everyone as it’s been months since we’ve been able to make that happen, and there was a shared sentiment at how difficult this day was. Started with 8 of us, and 4 of us touched the summit. Also huge huge thx to Knotts who had to bail due to injury early, but still spent a lot of time crewing Saturday, and Doug who helped a ton w logistics and planning. Missed them both on the summit, but would not have been there without their support. Anyways, a time and route have been set! Look forward to seeing who’s up next.