FKT: Justin Hamilton - Duncan Ridge Trail (GA) - 2024-05-10

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
11h 4m 25s

On Friday May, 10th 2024 my Miniature Blue Heeler named DUNCAN and I tackled the entirety of the Duncan Ridge Trail. We started from the Western Terminus near Springer Mountain and made our way towards Blood Mountain. Duncan was named after the Duncan Ridge Trail and when I saw there was no UNSUPPORTED time on the New DRT route, I knew we had to go throw our name up there.

Duncan set the pace the entire day and up until the last 5 miles we were moving at a sub 10 hour pace. As the heat of the day begin to creep up, our pace slowed to a mellow hike. Throughout the day Duncan and I took three breaks of around 20 minutes each just to sit in creeks & springs to cool off and rest.

I was hyper focused on Duncan for signs of exhaustion and overheating so I was distracted from my own effort. Duncan did phenomenal the entire day.

We finally made it to the intersection of the Duncan Ridge and the Appalachian trail in 11 hours 4 minutes and 21 seconds. Duncans total distance this day was 38 miles due to hiking in to the start and out of the finish.

I’m submitting this about two weeks after the attempt and wanted to give and update on Duncan.. He is still obsessed with running trails with me and happier than ever being a Cattle Dog with a job.. “Pacer”

Until next time.

-Ultra dad & Duncan