FKT: Justin Kousky - Sleeping Giant Master Marathon (CT) - 2025-01-05

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 52m 49s
GPS track(s)

fun course but lots of room for navigational errors so i would recommend future runners come prepared (either scout things out ahead of time or have turn by turn directions, or both).  i made a few wrong turns and while i managed to stitch the whole thing together in the end it was a bit hectic and certainly not the most aesthetic line!

conditions were decent for january - temps around 30, a fair amount of water/ice on the course but generally easy to see and avoid, a bit breezy.  quite a few folks out on the trails but not enough to slow things down.

ran unsupported with 2L of tailwind, filtered a couple times in small streams.