FKT: Justin Stewart - Green Rock Trail (MO) - 2024-06-06

Route variation
out & back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 15m 52s
GPS track(s)

Green Rock Trail FKT

Left the house around 4:30a.m. Got down here and checked out the water fountain by the turn around to make sure it worked and I knew where it was. Also checked out the confusing section by Scenic Rd. Which didn’t help bc I got turned around a little bit on the way back anyway. Got started a little late. Lots of downed trees near the beginning. Things were moving well the first half. Glad I wore the Hoka Tectons bc it was tacky and muddy in some areas. Also lots of spider webs. Maintained 7.25 miles/hour. Got to the turn around in 1:56. Refilled my 20 oz. handheld and got out in 1:57. That middle section is so tough. Was at 21.5 ish miles at 3:00 hrs. The way back was rough. Took a Maurten gel and salt tab every 45 min. Had Maurten 160 drink mix in the handheld. Ran out of water with 3 miles to go. Felt pretty depleted and crampy the last few miles. Did some power hiking. Thought for a little bit that it was slipping away from me and almost gave up and power hiked it in. Felt pretty undertrained for this honestly. Longest run going in was 14.5. I think a sub 4 is doable with more specific training and maybe an effort in cooler temps. Either way proud of the effort for my first FKT and a new unsupported FKT (Fastest Known Time). Got it by roughly 10 minutes. Sat in the creek afterwards. Had 5 ticks on me at the end.