FKT: Karsten Klawitter - Mt Landale - 2022-08-09

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 35m 18s
GPS track(s)

I had been wanting to put in a hard effort on this one for a while and in the leadup to the Squamish 50 Miler I figured it was a good test. Goal was to put in a time under 4 hours and I was super happy to finish well under that when considering the heat and the fact that I forgot how bushy, cobble ridden, and gnarly, some of that descent is. I think this would go a bit faster in the fall in cooler weather when there may be a bit more water available on descent. Overall this was a great day of running and “running” in the island alps! Landale never fails to satisfy. 

This route is fantastic. It has it all. Route finding, scrambling, an nice 5km forest road warm up, a poorly marked 300m bushwhack, and sensational views. Island mountain runners, I highly recommend giving it a go! This is a classic in waiting!