FKT: Kate Strum, Benjamin Bruno - Elkhorn Crest Trail (OR) - 2021-09-04

Route variation
Out and back
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
11h 49m 55s

We had a great time doing the out and back on this beautiful trail.  We started from Anthony Lakes after camping at the campground the night before.  We made it out to Marble Pass in about 5h 30m, and had one good mountain goat sighting soon after reaching Angel Pass.  There was one water source around 10 miles from Anthony Lakes TH that was flowing very well.  We chose not to go down to any of the lakes to refill, and were running low on water when we reached Marble Pass.  We appreciated a fill up of water from some friendly hikers who had just finished their day.  Skies were a bit less clear than we were expecting - we had some great views on the way out, but some significant smoke rolled in on the way back.  Plenty of type 1 and type 2 fun on this one.

Highly recommend this route, and we figured we'd put it up here as a mixed gender team since there weren't any other times listed.  We didn't go out with the intention of pushing to put up a fast time - just for a long day in the mountains covering some ground in a new-to-us area.  Ben had just run the Waldo 100k two weeks before and Kate was on her longest run since an ankle break less than six months ago - we felt fortunate just to be out there!  Hoping our adventure encourages some others to put up fast times on this route.

Pics on our Strava posts.