FKT: Kathryn Burt - Mason Tract Pathway (MI) - 2024-07-04

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 28m 31s
GPS track(s)

I'm excited to add a female time to this FKT! Original plan was to go out and back; however, quite a bit of the trail was overgrown and muddy (see 3rd picture). Watch your footing here as there are some holes / quite uneven terrain that's hard to see. This started to become more in the direction of type 2 fun, so I'm happy with my one way adventure. Plus, the easy access to the beautiful Au Sable River at the Chase Bridge was just too hard to pass up. It would be great to come back here for a canoe adventure. We stopped at the The Bird and The Bear Cafe in Roscommon after for a treat. 

I dedicate this FKT to my Grandma Rosales! I ran this on the 4th of July, which is her birthday. I admire her spunk, caring nature and ability to laugh and have a good time! She always said the whole US celebrates her birthday. 

Tips/ Trail Notes: I drank 1 soft flask with nuun electrolytes and ate 1 packet of Annie's bunnies. I would consider wearing pants due to the overgrowth and always check for ticks after any Michigan outdoor adventure. I'm also wondering if doing this FKT route earlier (May/June) or later (Sept) in the season (like the other posts) may experience better trail conditions or if it's just a 2024 thing. If you are driving with someone to the trailhead, the Chase Bridge side is much prettier to hang out (view of river) vs a field without a bathroom at the official start.