FKT: Kiera Baxter - Jersey Round - 2024-03-31

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
10h 23m 45s
GPS track(s)

Start 6:00AM / Finish point 4:23PM : Millenium Cross, Greve de Lecq, between St Ouen & St Mary

Selected to start on the North and tackle the biggest and longest stretch of elevation early. Out clockwise, hugging the coastline as close as possible. 

Weather stayed dry and sunny until the last couple of hours which delivered a rain and wind battering. 

Was able to achieve solo and unsupported as the qualifying water supply stops turned up (see tap image) and also an always open-un manned public toilet. 

SUCH a beautiful island to run! 

Route Info 

'The Jersey Round'

Circular Ultra Running Route around the Jersey, Channel Island coast. Approx 45.45 miles when mapped exactly.

Distance can vary based on the lines taken. Mine was 47.11m

Terrain is Trail & Beach & Road combination. Majority is trail.

Route beginning on this GPX is in St Helier but route can be started from any same point on the map to start and finish.

Highlights include all the sensational Coastal spots; Corbiere Lighthouse, Grosnez Castle ruins & hundreds of WW2 bunkers dotted alongside beautiful beaches and quaint villages!