FKT: Krissy Harclerode - Mount Russell (CA) - 2024-07-10

Route variation
East Ridge up & down
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 8m 17s
GPS track(s)

Pulled into Lone Pine at 10pm on Tuesday night and ate McDonalds for dinner before curling up in the back of my car and getting a solid 7 hours of sleep. My plan was to start between 6-6:30am, so of course I started 7:45am (and it was already *so* hot at Whitney Portal). Made decent time to the summit (3h23m) but definitely FAF'd around a bit – I took lots of pictures and enjoyed myself. Proud of myself for how I moved on the ridge, one of those "slow is smooth and smooth is fast" kind of days on rock at altitude.

Only saw a few other climbers all day and they didn't want anything to do with me (just looked at me like I was crazy for being alone up there). Refilled my water in streams as needed while below Upper Boy Scout Lake and water was non existent above it.

Think I can do this closer to 4h15-30m, especially in cooler temps, but I won't try to do it faster until someone beats my time. So someone go beat it!