FKT: Kristina Kucar - Mt Fuji (Japan) - 2024-08-29

Route variation
Gotemba Trail, ascent
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 43m 33s

Reflecting on a week exploring all 4 Mt Fuji trails - they certainly have their own personalities.

Mt Fuji ascent #3 - Gotemba trail

pre-existing FKT Strava segment -


Gotemba trail ascent has a steep gradient across loose volcanic sand - great fun! Bring your poles :)  The final ~2km or so add rocks in your way, and the last ~500m are more of a rock climb/navigation. This is by far the longest climb of the 4 Fuji trails, coming in at 10km/6.2mi. 

Due to the 40%+ grade of the downhill in extended spots, you'll be pleased that most of this trail is separated for those ascending versus descending. The ~3km/1.8mi closest to the top are shared for everyone. The downhill ends up a full mile shorter than the uphill, as it's relatively straight, compared to the switchbacks put in place to aid the uphill climb. 

Your finish line once again is a large Torii (gate), and it's a quick trip to the left to reach the true peak of Fuji (called Kengamine) if you are so inclined.

For those not acclimated to altitude, please note you are starting at ~1400m and finishing at ~3700m, which will hamper breathing/performance along the way. 



You now need to make a reservation to ascend any of the 4 trails, for safety tracking and capacity reasons.  In Gotemba's case, that reservation is free, and you can do it on the spot when you arrive at the 5th Station to climb. If you begin your climb after 4pm, you must also have made an overnight mountain hut reservation.  You can catch the shuttle bus to the trailhead from Gotemba Station (tickets available at station and on bus). It's the cheapest and shortest Fuji shuttle trip, about 35min. 

Mt. Fuji has no running water. This includes all mountain huts!  You can restock your supplies by purchasing drinks/noodles/curry from mountain huts, or from the plentiful vending machines found at the start, the peak, and most huts. There are also paid toilets along the way. Bring Y100 coins with you for toilets/machines.  Gotemba's trailhead is quite nice, with a toilet building, covered seating, wash station for sandy shoes or gear (you will need it if descending!), and a bike rental / lounging area as well. I'd point out that this trail is NOT as well-served by huts as the other routes. 

Please note also that if you aren't climbing "in season" (early July to early September), most facilities incl. vending machines will not be available. Uniquely for Gotemba, there are no restrictions to drive and park right at the trailhead, which there are for the other 3 trails. It's the longest and hence least popular/dense, ha ha. 


My experience on the day: 

Wow, just wow.  My luck had been way too good with the rain on the first three trips to the mountain in my week there. It was all paid back on this day.

I'd started later than hoped, arriving on the shuttle after 11am. On all Fuji trips it's a good idea to go as early as you can, as the weather is often better in the morning before clouding over or raining. The first hour of my climb, a light drizzle began.. and escalated fast. The rain went to heavy and then absolutely torrential as i went through the second hour. The rain was extremely annoying, especially with its additional weight hanging onto my clothing and pack, but it was the dramatic increase in windspeeds that made the last hour of the climb a manic, crazed experience.  My fingers, not helped by being attached to my poles, had the feeling of frostbite thanks to this intense rain and wind (despite the relatively hot air temperature). I was unable to use my hands to handle any gels/gummies, and eventually couldn't even drink from my bottles as my mouth was equally numb. 

For obvious reasons of suffering, i didn't linger for photos along the way. The visibility was also absolutely zero within 45min of starting. 

This trail is IMO the most beautiful, with the spectacular sand climbs and views of the adjacent Hoei crater (which is more dramatic and beautiful than Fuji itself). Perhaps imagine some of the sandy views from the mid-mountain run i took some days prior, except in reverse, and more technical at the top ;-)  [[ ]]

I made the FKT climb Unsupported, carrying 1.5L of liquids and 3 gels/gummies (but in reality, barely able to get through 0.75L liquids, and none of the gels/gummies). 


Evidently i did carry on to the top to complete the ascent FKT, though canceled my plan to do the Gotemba round trip FKT, as i no longer felt comfortable descending the technical bits near the peak. I took a rest inside the closest shelter and tried to stop shaking with cold, which wasn't easy as my extra layers hadn't stayed completely dry wrapped up in my pack. In another lovely Fuji climbers' moment, folks in the shelter practically rushed to my side the moment i entered, dripping and white as a sheet, offering their own coats and mittens once they saw mine hadn't stayed dry. 

After 75min of warming up, a mountain guide came inside, and i chatted with him about the conditions, obviously hoping he would say the weather would clear up. (Spoiler: it didn't. it didn't even reduce in intensity until the next day.)

The lack of movement (in both my limbs and the weather) had me concerned about sitting around the peak much longer, so for my safety and in order to have the widest choice of shuttle buses off the mountain, i jogged around to the other side of the peak to descend via the Yoshida trail. This trail is not at all technical and was easy to manage at a jog (though does come with a mandatory Y2000 payment to access, even on the downhill). Despite the rain, it was a lot of fun as for once there were very few people still left outside!  

Overall it was an epic day, and i went at least a few minutes faster on the ascent than i expected, probably motivated by a desire to warm up and not lose any fingers.. LOL