FKT: Lee Bodell, Matt Holmes - Bracknell Forest Ramblers Route (United Kingdom) - 2020-12-06

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 50m 37s

Last minute attempt at the FKT on the Bracknell Ramblers Route. Matt and I set off from The Lookout at 08:32 on the 6th December 2020, a 1h48 first half put us nicely on target, however the mud on the farm fields in the second half put a bit of a dent in the buffer we have built up, hard to keep the pace in road shoes.

The route was mostly easy to navigate although around 14.5 miles we did lose the route and a waving farmer put us back on track (and off his field!).

After wadding through the flooded path just before mile 25, it was then a quick run back to The Lookout and the finish in 3h50m37.