FKT: Lexi Jackson, Mike Conley - White Mountains 100 AT (NH) - 2024-07-02

Route variation
Standard point-to-point
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1d 14h 58m 52s

White Mountain 100 Mixed Gender FKT/fastest women’s time and the 4th & 5th finishers ever, my second attempt. I’ll write a full recap later when I can keep food down and sleep, but what a fucking trip. Cold, hot, wet, humid, muddy, so wet. Didn’t change my shoes or socks the entire time and my feet paid the price. I am so use to being inside my own head for hours and hours during unsupported FKTs, that this presented some new challenges, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I anticipated a faster time, but after running the entire route I can not believe we finished in the time we did. One brutal section after another. Congrats Mike on your first 100 miler, I feel so lucky to have you has a friend and have been able to join you for it, the entire fucking time. I can not express my gratitude enough for my friends and husband. Jeff for being the best crew. He didn’t ask me once how I was feeling or comment on slowing paces. Took our trash, shoved food in our face, and made getting in and out of crew spots super easy. Leah LawryJason Beaupre & Andrew Soares meeting us with pizza and ginger ale while watching the sunset over the presi were miles I’ll hold close forever. And then meeting us again at Moose meant so much to Mike and I. Jenn Uhlman joining us for the overnight. Listening to us whine, ok well mostly Mike whine and me blasting thirst trap music, and being such a strong pacer giving us a body to follow in the dark. Sophia Farnsworth & Andrew Wojciak surprising us on Lafayette when we were falling apart, ok again Mike falling apart and me trying to grind and not lose my shit. They were fucking pros making us feel like we were running western states with the first class treatment they gave us. And then Andrew Wojciakcontinuing on with us until the end. The last 6 hours or so I completely shut down mentally. I spoke maybe two words. Andrew was so patient with me reminding me to eat and drink, letting me lead when I wanted to lead, feeding me caffeine pills, and not getting offended when I’d snap at him. And finally all the text messages I received, some I don’t even know from who, towards the end I couldn’t read them but every time my phone buzzed I felt it. Knowing we had so many people cheering us on from miles away really kept us going. Sometimes I feel like the WMNF’s public enemy number one but this proved otherwise.