FKT: Liam Lonsdale, Elizabeth Mills - East Bay Skyline National Recreation Trail (CA) - 2024-05-26

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 29m 12s
GPS track(s)

Conditions: Well, conditions don't get much better than they were for this one. Perfectly cool, never cold. A strong breeze on Nimitz but not the usual desperate headwind. The fog shrouded the route as we started up Belgum trail, but it rolled back about a half mile ahead of us all morning, all the way into Sibley before it disappeared for the day. so we were blessed with the most atmospheric views (see pics). Trail was bone dry for 90%, with some muddy puddles in the usual sections (Vollmer Peak, Sea View trail). Rain the day prior meant that it wasn't horrendously dusty. The section between Fish Ranch Rd and Sibley remains officially "closed" on the EBRPD website, however the signs have been moved and it is completely passable at the washed out section, with the trail being wide enough to feel very safe when doing so. There was a tree down on the single track connector between Sibley and Huckleberry that had a 20 yard skirt around through the bushes ... returning the day after I can say that the tree and all the poison oak from the trail has been completely cleared. The last ten miles or so the temperature increased, as it always seems to heading into Chabot. It was low 70's, warm, not hot. Brandon trail and beyond was bone dry and rock hard ... fast for anyone who is so inclined.

The route: I know these hills like the back of my hand, and have studied the FKT route meticulously having run all of the sections and navigation points over the years ... all that to say that navigation was a breeze. Big thanks to CHRIS THOBURN for such a detailed description and all the previous FKT'ers that came together to agree on the route. Our gpx / Strava speaks for itself. No errors to report. All trail signs intact where they should be, including Golden Spike. The turn for the singletrack down to Bort Meadow remains unmarked, and the signage heading into Grass Valley immediately after still seems to indicate that the road is "the way". Any potential attempts should take note of that and be sure to take the correct trail ... even though it is negligible in terms of any distance or vert (they're parallel paths), the route is the route is the route.

The effort: Liz came into the attempt having never run a 50k before, and ever having run that much vert in a week, never mind a day so we knew it was going to be a fun one. Unfortunately she was not quite as prepared on the day as she had hoped, after sleeping in, missing breakfast, and forgetting to pack half of her nutrition. I came into it as a test to see how my body would fair with a sustained effort, after years of injury and re-injury, knowing I had the fitness, but not necessarily the sustained time on feet. We had originally set our sights on a 5h-5h 30m schedule. It became clear after the first ten miles or so that this was probably going to be ambitious with, to quote Liz, her legs feeling like a 2/10. By mile 16.6 (Skyline Gate) I was skeptical of whether Liz should even push on for the finish given the severe discomfort she was grappling with ... she was determined to finish, I was happy to be in it for the long haul, and so push on we did. Around mile 26ish Liz mentioned nonchalantly that her vision was at 20% and she was close to blacking out ... in a serious bonk hole due to a lack of calories. We stuffed some of my food in her mouth and brought her back to life for a solid finish. Despite her bodily protests and the rising temperatures Liz gave it everything to finish under 6h 30m and I was mightily impressed. Definitely one of the most impressive "rallies" I have ever seen.

On the FKT: It seems that we are the fastest (read, ONLY) mixed-gender team to complete this route, or at least to submit a time, and so we will take the FKT title while it stands. This time is very achievable time for any pairs out there that want to take that title for themselves ... with the right pairing, there are plenty of Bay Area folks that could take this sub-5. Our effort was unsupported, we carried everything we ate, and refilled at Skyline Gate as mentioned. We took an Uber to the start, and got picked up my family at the finish (thanks).

Highlights: bobcat sighting, incredible sunrise over Diablo, singing Disney songs because why-not? A passerby hiker asking Liz if she was ok because of the "ouch ouch ouch" that was involuntarily coming out of her mouth down the latter part of Grass Valley trail ... saving Liz from a blackout, washing our faces in the Spigot on Brandon Trail, finishing sub 6h 30m. 

Summary: Absolutely stellar morning on a classic route that is DEFINITELY under-valued, underrated, and under-run. Huge thanks to Liz for asking me to do this with her and for putting up with my singing. Huge thanks to the trail community for just being the raddest, most wonderful bunch. Folks, GO RUN THE EAST BAY SKYLINE TRAIL. Much love, LL


Nutrition:, for anyone interested in my nutrition: I ran with two 500ml bottles of Skratch Super-High Carb (200 cal each), with an added Skratch 'everyday nutrition' sachet in both bottles for the additional electrolyte content. Also had my secret weapon of 250ml of Guayaki Yerba Mate Enlighten-mint for a sugary caffeine hit. We fully refilled our bottles at Skyline Gate – I refilled with the same mix. I also consumed 4x 60 calorie fruit puree bars (and my 2 spares brought Liz back to life), and one protein bar of 150 calories. I refilled the 250ml bottle with water at the Brandon Trail spigot as a "just in case", we didn't drink any of it. Finished feeling in tip top condition ... definitely a perk of running a sub-maximal effort.