FKT: Luke Bollschweiler - Otter Creek Grand Slam (ME) - 2024-07-01

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 37m 57s

On vacation to Acadia NP and I wanted to see if I could maybe challenge an FKT. I was hoping to do something longer but couldn't work it out due to logistics and perirgrine falcon related trail closures. But I was eager to try this route due to the incredible summits on the plan! It was a beautiful day of 70 degrees and Sunny. Got started at 6:45AM but the sunny already felt high in the sky. The trail was a bit wet from yesterday's rain but really only impacted me on a few descents that I had to hold back to not slip. This is the most technical per mile course of this distance I have ever done! It's a really great loop regardless if people are considering going for the FKT. Super steep climbs and descents. Very little of the trail is actually dirt--just a lot of different types of rock configurations! Climbing Cadillac Mountain via Dorr was one of the hardest miles I’ve ever done.  I was sure I was way too slow to get the FKT but just kept at it and the next 4 miles of descent were fast enough to claim it by 4 minutes!! Very fun course!! I give it 5 Stars!