FKT: Madeline Fortier - Longs Peak Grand Slam (CO) - 2024-07-22

Route variation
Grand Slam
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7h 16m 52s

Unsupported. Nailed the route finding up the Loft this time. Almost got it right getting from Meeker to Longs though cliffed myself out briefly and had to backtrack. My planned water source behind Longs was frozen. Lots of verglass near Keps made it dicier than when I scouted. Nearly went down the wrong gully for Pagoda but was able to backtrack — really glad I’d scouted that part. From Pagoda to the keyhole was more dicey than I’d wanted it to be, ended up having to traverse 5th class slab and kick steps in frozen snow through the trough. Getting from the keyhole to Storm went smoothly. Descending Storm took longer than anticipated - lots of loose rock (dislodged a microwave sized block over exposure which was spooky), and had to do some snow dodging. Started to bonk heading up MLW. The descent to the standard Longs trail was way more brutal than I’d expected and I’m pretty sure I messed it up. All in all, really happy with how today went. I know there’s more time on the table on this one. Excited to see what times other women will put up moving forward.