FKT: Marcus Broman, Niclas Gällentoft - Skåneleden SL3 (Sweden) - 2021-04-25

Route variation
Standard Point-Point
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
23h 16m 55s

FKT Skåneleden SL3 24-25 april 2021

We, Marcus and Niclas have been friends for a few years now and ran the Skåneleden SL 3 Åstorp-Brösarp100 miles together. We ran unsupported and did it as a team.

We started in Åstorp at 10:00 on Saturday the 24th. There our friends Christel and Fredrik waved us off. We had a wonderful day with radiant sun from clear blue skies. The beech forest that began to bloom and white anemones lay like a white carpet around us.

We went up and down the slopes on the gravel roads and back on the paths in the beech forest. Fantastically beautiful nature that we recommend everyone to go out and run in.

We ran unsupported, which meant that we had everything with us from the start as energy and everything that could be needed for the 20-22 hours that we aimed to reach the goal in Brösarp.

We were able to refill water for the first time after 40 k in Skäralid, where there was a water tap that everyone can use around the clock with good water.

The road there was the toughest on the whole stretch with a lot of altitude.

Now we had about 35k for the next water tap at Hallaröd's church. Evening was approaching and the sun was setting. But we arrived at the church in good time to refill our water bottles and put on some more clothes, it started to get cool in the wind. We sat there outside the cemetery on the green meadow with the water tap in front of us and after 10 minutes we were ready to continue our journey.

Into the night and at 21 we passed 80k, nice now we were halfway.

the darkness came but it was a nice night when we had a full moon and a clear sky so the moon lit up a wave so we had a nice night on the path there in the forest. But it was a cold night when the temperature was just below 0.

Me, Niclas started to have a hard time staying awake, sleep lack of me last week's job started to take its toll on me now. I got a 5 minute rest out there in the woods. Up again and forward towards the goal. We did our best to get there and shortly after 02:00 we arrived at Ekerödsrasten where there was a water tap that we could refill our bottles with. This was the last place we could fill the water and there was 55k left to the finish now.

We peppered each other now in the darkness of the night and tried to keep our spirits up despite the cold and our fatigue.

When the sun then slowly started to rise at 05 o'clock, it felt good again. We began to see the end of this adventure. It was when we saw Brösarp's slopes that we could feel that now it is close and these last 5k were so fantastically nice to run and know that it will soon be over for this time. With a smile on our face, we ran into Brösarp and that sign that was our goal since yesterday. We could now put our hands on it and stop the clock at 23:16:55.

We did it and we did it as an unsupported team with joy! We have been tired and worn out but that is the case for all ultra runners, there are times where everything feels good and then times when it feels heavy and you just want to sit down.

That's when we pick out that extra and tell ourselves that you can do this and never give up !!


Thank you for us, Niclas and Marcus