FKT: Marcus Nicholls - Millennium Way (United Kingdom) - 2024-05-20

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 28m 26s
GPS track(s)

I had Monday morning off work, so after parking at work, walked to the nearest point on the loop run as there is no official start point.

The Millennium way is a combination of footpaths, bridleways, residential streets and main road pavements, heading in and out of York centre four times, often following the riverside paths. Navigation can be tricky as the route is only occasionally sign-posted, so I used the Ordnance Survey App. Made a couple of wrong turns and had a couple of diversions due to path closures for building and road works, so ended up 0.5 miles further than prior FKT. Surface variable from road/pavement to grass footpaths, some of which were a bit muddy, but road shoes were fine.

Fully unsupported with 750ml bottle of Lucozade Sport and 750ml bottle of water after a light breakfast.

Finished and headed back to work!