FKT: Mario Mendoza - Three Sisters Loop (OR) - 2021-07-31

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7h 0m 13s

Got lucky with some great overcast weather which made the summer day not feel as hott as usual. Miles 2-7 had an insane amount of down trees and I knew when I had scoped out the route that i'd loose a lot of time here. But luckily, the trail was pretty solid after that and I was able to make ground after about 20 miles or so. There are a lot of good water sources along the route and I felt like I nailed the stops without ever fully running out of water. Wasn't sure i'd be able to dip under the 7:08 mark but closed really well and eventually regretted not pushing more to dip under 7 hours. Loop is exactly 7k of climbing and pretty might spot on 47 miles. It's an epic journey going through a lot of varied landscape and some old burns. Really glad I experienced it.