FKT: Mark Taggary - O'Keefe Rail Trail - 2024-06-29

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 19m 46s

Starting in Bendigo in the rain wasn't the original plan, but after a quick coffee at Fox & Whistle and a short walk to the trail head, it begun. Having not run this section of trail before, I didn't know what to expect, however the twist and turns out of town were simple and the road crossing safe. Ticking of the early km's with little fuss and feeling quite good about the pace I was holding, the time flew by and before long I passed through Longlea with a quick high 5 from the cheer squad, it was on to Axedale. 

This section of trail was beautiful, part farmland, part wooded forest and with no other soul in sight, I had it all to myself. Arriving into Axedale to the sight of my friends, their dogs and a toilet was a welcome relief, but no resting, a quick water refill, a round of hugs and it was back on. After a downhill section to the river and passing the Platypus Compass, I was greeted to a tunnel and the only real hill on the route, so I took a drink and eased up it on to a section along a country road. After about 5 minutes it was back onto the gravel trail and into Knowsley Forest, this was a slip'n'slide in road shoes but thankfully I didn't eat shit. 

After a straight stretch through the forest that went for miles, I passed by the small town of Knowsley. Blink and you'll miss it! Exiting the town, a friend jumped on his mountain bike and joined me for a chat as I continued towards Lake Eppalock. The legs were beginning to feel it, but the pace was remaining on point through this section, which included a short stint running over water, or at least that's what it appears I'm doing on the map!

One more small town in Derrinal to pass by then it was onto the home stretch into Heathcote, the rain was still present but the stoke of arriving at the finish to my mates, the dogs and a cold beer was all the motivation I needed to stay on stride. 

Coming into Heathcote, Nic and Mish were waiting at the main O'Keefe Trail sign but my watch told me this was not then end point, so a high five and a "see you at the brewery" was all they got. This final couple of km was interesting as the trail changed surface briefly to a loamy single track beside the old railway station, before switching back to traditional rail trail and finishing at Pink Cliffs Rd. All in all a great day out. Will likely have another go and see how quick I can truly run it. This was a 50k fun run with mates, no time for being serious!