FKT: Matthew Browne - Fränkische Schweiz 7 (Germany) - 2020-08-29

Route variation
Standard loop
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
12h 54m 17s


Good day out.  Started early 6am and just about managed to complete course before sunset.


Started in Ebermannstadt which means the first 10miles (15k) to Muggendorf super tough.  After that route becomes a bit easier with less drastic ups and downs!  All well-trodden (with exception of a few sections before Ebermannstadt).


Used breadcrumb mapping so took a few wrong turns where route forked and markings (which were pretty good throughout) wasn’t clear - so had to double back ~10times (although only after max 100m of running wrong way.

Found the route difficult to follow on the climb out of Muggendorf but otherwise easy enough.


Took all food with me (mainly brioche and muesli bars with some Haribo for final 20miles (30k)).  Had expected to have to stop in shops/biergartens a few times for water but managed to hold out until Egloffstein at 53miles (85k) until finding a petrol station for final top up of water.

Found water at the following places:

Muggendorf WC - 8miles (13k)

Engelhardsberg water fountain – 11miles (18k)

Waischenfeld WC – 17miles (27k) – off route

Burg Rabenstein Biergarten WC – 20miles (30k)

Campingplatz WC near Tüchersfeld -  29miles (45k)

Teufelshöhle WC – 33miles (52k)

Cola Mix from stream (see pics) near Burgruine Wolfsberg – 48miles (77k)

Avia Petrol Station – 53miles (85k) – off route