FKT: Maureen Tobin - Meadow Mountain Trail (MD) - 2024-06-23

Route variation
Full route (21k)
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 20m 32s
GPS track(s)

This is a local route for me, near the popular Deep Creek Lake recreation area. When I saw that a North to South version, ending at the overlook, had been posted, I looked forward to making a point to point female FKT part of my training. My variation starts at the southern terminus, adding 2k to the previous submission & including a small amount of fun, rocky, winding single track. That section crests below the overlook, but, still makes for the high point of the course at ~2962'. From there, the trail becomes much less technical, rolling up & down, with long grades and a few steep pitches. The footing is often large sized gravel, as this is an a snowmobile trail in winter. I was glad to have a stiff set of trail shoes to handle the footing. For a bit, a nice forested & narrower dirt path forks away from the snowmobile path. The final 5k is gravel road.

An overcast day & mostly shaded course made running w/just one 20oz. bottle no problem. My spouse met me at the end, exactly on schedule, after doing her own hike. Not having to turn around and run back was the best part.

It was not a fast time, but, I pushed for the best I could manage. It was a very enjoyable and stress free adventure, being the first female to post on Meadow Mtn. For those wanting to run fast, with support, there are many easily available road crossings, all within a few minutes of each other. In cooler, wetter conditions, including winter when a snow makes it beautiful, it would be possible to do this course as a out & back, unsupported full marathon. That could be done either by carrying more water, or, using a micro filter at the seeps. Because of recent heat and lack of rain, the natural seeps that cross the trail in other seasons were dry during my outing. For exact start and end points, I used the first parking spot at the southern parking lot, and, finished exactly where the gravel ended/asphalt began on Ellis Dr., before the road bends left. Good luck to the next person to attempt this simple & accessible course. There's an I-Hop three minutes from the finish for pancakes afterward !