FKT: Melody Porlier, Samuel Blais - Sentier des Contreforts - 2023-08-19

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 14m 36s
GPS track(s)

We had planned to run the trail out-and-back unsupported to submit a first reference time for it, while also trying to break the established one-way FKT (standard route). We arrived at the parking lot around 9AM by a brisk saturday morning and the sun was out! This section of the Sentier National is composed of technical single-tracks only and it’s hard to get into a rythm since it’s always up-and-down. Cold rain started to fall about an hour in and it rained non-stop for the remaining 10 hours which put a « nice refreshing twist » on the run (and a bit of a grind, let’s be honest). The trails literally turned into swamps and we had to finish with the headlamps on, but it didn’t break our spirits. We managed to lower the one-way FKT by about an hour and we also submit a reference time for the out-and-back version. Super fun trail section with nice views, but make no mistake, it is burly!