FKT: Michelle Buncke - Wildwood Trail (OR) - 2024-05-24

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 30m 42s
GPS track(s)

I started at 8:48 am on Friday, May 24th. The weather was overcast, but not too cold (~55-60F). I carried all my fluids and fuel and did not receive any support throughout the run. I drank 1.5 L (two soft flasks in my running vest, and one hand held) and consumed 780 calories over the course of the run (~220 calories/hour, 53g carbs/hr). There were 3 areas of trail work/construction, but overall the trail were in good condition. I had a few of the previous record holder's splits on a written sheet of paper and referenced these occasionally throughout the run. I overall held a pretty steady pace throughout the run, trying to not over exert myself at any point. Overall, I took 20 minutes off the previous female record holder's time, and have the third overall record.