FKT: Nicole Blair - Longleaf Trace (MS) - 2021-10-23

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
8h 22m 33s

My crew consisted of my husband, Kevin (and later our two boys, Kaden and Austin joined him, too). He drove his truck with his bike on the back and showed up every few miles at roads that intersected the trail or the trail stations along the path. We swapped bottles and exchanged my trash for new food, as needed. About 10 miles or so in, I began to “feel” my left quad (previous injury). It wasn’t hurting, but I was definitely aware of it. At mile 18 I decided I needed to address it as it started to turn to pain (although not keeping me from running) and asked my husband to grab my AmpHuman PR lotion from his truck. He ran it out to me, I quickly rubbed it on. I continue on, consuming half a Moroccan Your World Picky Bar every 30 minutes and water, switchel, or Laird’s Coconut Hydration every 15 minutes. I took one Maurten gel somewhere between mile 25-30, also popped peppermints in my mouth about every hour or two. Around mile 27 my mouth was tired of chewing bars and I ate my first orange. A couple of miles later I ate my first banana. I ate a couple more oranges and dried apricots before the finish. Luckily, my stomach held up well without any major distress.