FKT: Owain Jones - Welsh Three Peaks (United Kingdom) - 2024-05-17

Route variation
driving between THs
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7h 11m 26s

Supported by Julian Price - the driver

Starting at just before 09:00 on the 17th May, I decided to use what I thought would be the more runnable route to the summit - the Miners track. Whist it worked out about the same as the Pyg on the way up, coming down on the gravel path was much nicer.

From there Julian drove to the car park at Cader. Cader was a slog., it was boiling.  On reaching the trig, again I decided to take the more runnable route down. Taking in the ridge and coming down the steep steps the other side of the lake.

The final drive to Pen y Fan was uneventful, the car park was quiet, and I started the last climb if the day. Legs were screaming, so I was glad to touch the trig and start the decent.

Total time running – 3hrs 50mins

Total time for all three peaks – 7hrs 11mins.

What a day out – thanks Mr Price 