FKT: Patsy Ramirez-Arroyo - Puerto Rico East Coast (Puerto Rico) - 2019-05-26

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
11h 1m 50s

Puerto Rico east coast run. The route was done from the southern part to the north. This route has some hilly areas and the combination of running close to the ocean. This 64 miles are part of the official route of Vuelta Puerto Rico which is a 3 days 375 miles bike event.

I started running at 10:00 pm ending during the morning. I was supported with a crew car, which had my hydration & nutrition. Some of the areas during the route 1 runner at a time ran some miles. One of the challenges was running with humidity over 80%.

The main goals of the run was raise money for a cancer children hospital (I had been diagnosed with cancer 10 months earlier) & to show different routes that can be used for running in Puerto Rico.