What a day!!! Completed the route supported with a bike pacer and roving aid station! Much hotter weather than I’ve run in all year, which I think contributed to my time. Started at appx 345am. Loved the sunrise in Sandwich. The stretch through Brewster and Dennis were long tough spots for me, around noontime and direct sun without much shade. It was so lovely to get onto the CC Rail Trail with some more shade and a breeze!!! Utilized Dunkin, Cumberland Farms, and a little store off the Rail Trail for some much needed COLD fuel & water!
The ending is where is gets wild. I knew I was chasing sunlight to reach the Long Point Lighthouse, but I was so close so I had to go for it. Crossed the rocky causeway and marched along the beach for what felt like FOREVER! Finally finally made it to the lighthouse with headlamps blazing. The route was done!!! Where is got really interesting is when I realized I needed to trek the appx 5 miles back to mainland PTown…in pitch darkness. After getting lost and scrambling through brambles and sea grass we found the causeway. However, high tide had rolled in and effectively cut us off from the mainland. Freezing cold & exhausted we had to call for the harbor master to retrieve us! What a WILD ending!!! All safe & sound, but the tides should definitely be something that folks consider when taking on this route.