FKT: Rami Haddad, Emily Vigeant - Weg Der Schweiz (Switzerland) - 2024-06-20

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 8m 20s
GPS track(s)

Emily was *very* tempted to go for the women’s FKT. This route has great speed potential. But Rami really wanted to go for the team FKT. So last minute she decided to slow her roll and take one for the team. 

We had a blast! No regrets for choosing a fun shared memory over stats. That’s what we like about adventure. You gamify things for sure, but traditional stats go out the window.

With about 10K left and the last big climb of ~1200 feet starting, we pushed 5 hours target finish time.

Overall, super scenic despite heavily overcast skies and low clouds covering highest mountains all day. Only a sprinkle of rain. One tiny section of headwind. 80 degrees and humid! Soaked clothing pretty much from the start. 

GPS signal distorted at times inside tunnels & near steep cliffs. A couple of minor deviations where the trail did not exist or went through private land. When in doubt we followed the official trail signs.