FKT: Richard Keefe - Ullswater Rim Trail (United Kingdom) - 2021-03-21

Route variation
Standard loop
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 51m 23s
GPS track(s)

The route covers my local trails I've spent far too much time on recently. The weather forecast looked good so thought I'd pop out for a lap. I carried my kit and regretted the hat and gloves 5 miles in as it heated up, I didn't use them once! Plenty of places to top up water on the west side but I did carry a fair amount. Things went well until Red Screes where I took 5 minutes at the bottom to sort kit out. I was low on water and as wet as the ground was I wasn't drinking bog water so focused on getting to High Street steady and enjoyed a steady descent back to the finish. A great route for getting out on your own