FKT: Robert Broos - Grebbeliniepad - 2024-05-29

Route variation
Full route to Waal (91 km)
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
9h 51m 31s
GPS track(s)

Yesterday I ran the new full route of the Grebbeliniepad south to north in a self supported fashion, only using the ferry near Rhenen, but otherwise without support. I started a bit before 8 AM in Ochten and finished somewhere around 17:30 in Spakenburg. I had planned water stops at public water points in Veenendaal (35 km slightly off course), Amersfoort (65 km practically on course), and Baarn (80 km off course), but in the end only ended up using the water point in Amersfoort and skipping the others.

Despite the weather reports going all over the place in the preceding days, in the end I had mostly overcast skies with around 18 degrees, and only a few short intense bursts of rain. So more or less perfect weather conditions. 

What suprised me about this trail was the sheer amount of paved roads you run on. Pretty much all of the first and last 30 km is paved, with the middle section between Veenendaal and Amersfoort being almost exclusively trail. The section between 50 km and 55 km was mildly technical due to the tall grasses and undergrowth constantly trying to hook my feet and trip me up. All in all I'd estimate this cost me around 15 minutes extra. For anyone who choses to run this path in a fully supported manner I'd recommend switching from road to trail shoes in Veenendaal, expecially if the trails are wet, and then back again in Amersfoort. If, like me, you run this course self supported, make sure to bring a trail shoe that is well cushioned if it's wet. If the conditions are dry, you can probably also take a road shoe the entire distance.